Got My Own Chanel.

Got My Own Chanel.

Friday, December 7, 2012

the interesting questions

what makes you feel most alive?
Being at the beach, when no-one else is around, with crazy wind and wild waves and enormous skies reminding you that you are just one person, but you are alive.
have you ever cried in public?
I have cried uncontrollably while driving shortly after my Grandy passed away. I was in perfect control of the vehicle but an emotional wreck. Public road, private space, what gives.
do you read the reviews before you go to the movies?
I hardly ever go to the movies. I might read a review, I might not. If I do, it never sways me much as I understand the absolute subjectivity of such reviews (though sometimes, if someone labels it terrible, then I see that as a challenge to go and enjoy it - that's my stubborn gene coming through).
have you ever had a paranormal experience?
Not in reality, but I have incredibly vivid dreams, often seeing figures emerge up close, or flying over cities. Seeing as dreams are just another extension of self, maybe that counts? I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe that someone's spirit stays on in some places.
is your favourite colour blue?
Blue is my favourite colour. It's the most common colour in my underpants collection.
do you still dream of living in a loft overlooking central park?
I dream of such a luxury, but I think I'd also enjoy Spain. I want to be close to the sea. I do love New Zealand.
what's your dream job?
I have multiple dream jobs. I'd be delighted to become fantastic at just one of them, or dabble with one and switch to another, or juggle legal practice with dream job #3. Only time will tell.
- IP lawyer with a focus on the music industry (i.e. copyright), though I wouldn't shy away from working with trade marks. I find the "idea of protecting an idea" fascinating. I think sometimes it goes too far. The music industry needs a shake up and the broader issues surrounding copyright - particularly pertaining to the internet - are in dire need of refreshment. It irks me that consumers think that because something is easily accessible (i.e. through the instantaneous nature of the internet) that it should be free. Laws should act to deter behaviour that is considered "wrong" but at present, it's not entirely working.
- Criminal defence lawyer. I could really utilise my talking skills because I can be chatterbox central. I like persuading people. I think it's such an important role in our justice system which so frequently gets lambasted by the media because of the hideous factual scenarios. Horrible things happen, there is no questioning that. Victims could be supported better. But to deny someone legal representation when their liberty is at stake is narrow-minded and not conducive to promoting an egalitarian society. I'm comfortable - in fact I am attracted to - the idea of representing the underdog. Other than intellectual property, criminal law has been the one area which has really reeled me in. I'm not trying to justify this because I feel that it needs to be justified as a career choice, but to reinforce the importance of the role. I think the general population needs to be better educated of the role of the defence lawyer.
- Food critic. I love to write. (In fact, I'd also love to be a columnist. Current affairs and food, that's what interests me.) Food, oh food, my relationship with food. I'm so lucky to have grown up with inventive, exciting and delicious food. I love to cook, but I equally love to share my eating experiences with others. Food writing can be awfully pretentious, and I'm probably a little guilty of this at times. But to be able to celebrate food - the textures, the intermingling flavours, the people you share it with, the rush of of excitement when you order a delectable sounding meal, the empty plate at the end - that's what I adore.
My dream jobs aren't crazy, outrageous jobs or even non-jobs completely out of the realm of my current life (as a law student, pretend-blogger, foodie) because I'm fortunate enough to love the stuff I do. That said, I'll be glad to earn my double degree and be finished with university after five years and jump into something new. I like change, and I like to be challenged.
- have you checked this out?
Is the pope catholic? Yes, yes yes. I have checked it out. Multiple times. It's fantastic.
Are these going on your blog? Cause I spent a good hour coming up with (hopefully interesting) answers!
lil fish fork xx

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