Got My Own Chanel.

Got My Own Chanel.

Friday, December 7, 2012

the interesting questions

what makes you feel most alive?
Many a thing. Being solitary in hugely exposed open spaces in the wilderness. Dancing when I know the material like the back of my hand. I would just like to take this time to mention that I think this saying is silly. It is with great infrequency that I look at the back of my hand, apart from when I need to scribble on it for lack of paper- but even then I'm looking at the ink not my substitute skin-paper. I also dislike the saying 'it's like comparing apples and oranges', and implying that they are different. Sure, they are a bit, but I can find more similarities than differences. Both sweet and deliciously juicy, both spherical, both fruit, both have skin etc. etc. I have made my point. Back to dancing, yes. When the choreography is in my body and your whole existence lies within this movement in a series of moments. It's spectacular to feel, and hopefully to watch. Generally anything that pushes my body to physical extremes makes me feel alive.
Have you ever cried in public?
What an obvious question. Of course, it's me. I'm an emotional, empathetic person. Sometimes it's even tears of joy and contentment. I get overtaken with the extreme beauty and/or sadness that some situations hold, and then next thing you fucking know I'm quietly blubbering to myself wishing I had some sunglasses.
Do you read reviews before the movies?
No not usually. Oh maybe if I'm a wee bit iffy about the film, but usually I like to go in as neutral as possible. Even if one reads reviews and is determined not to be swayed by them; by then it is too late. Once the information's up there in that noggin it's hard to ignore. Restaurants on the other hand..
4.Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
No. But when I worked at the hospital with a lot of elderly folk, I think it was important to open windows if someone died. I'd like to think human's aren't just their bodies. I know in the grand scheme of things we are all just made of matter, but there are always unknowns out there and I'd like to think I am opening the window to the possibility that something does live on. It is likely this is a coping mechanism we have created for losing those we adore, but if you are that dry and unimaginative about life it can become a dull and cynical existence. It also makes tragic situations unbearable.
What do you fear?
What is your favourite colour?
Orange. Then Purple.
I will explain orange. It is the perfect mix of red and yellow. From what both these colours imply, they create a perfect median that is harmoniously happy, fiery, passionate and carefree. If I had to be a colour I'd be orange.
All the colours are a pleasure, though. Vivid colour is just the most divine sight.
What is your dream job?
This is impossibly hard to answer. Let me start with stating the obvious: I'm an idealist. Do you know how many jobs I want to do? If I could I study a bazillion things I would. Actually, being in China has made me realise how much I savour learning. If I could I would be a contemporary-dancing artist- journalist who photographs for NATGEO, dabbles in genetics, neuroscience and being a doctor for doctors without borders, who also has a broad knowledge of law and politics, with my own cooking program, accompanied by heavy involvement in philanthropy, the UN and the Olympics because they're so grand.
Most importantly I want to leave the planet knowing i've made a difference. (Wank wank cliche eat your heart out. I don't give a rats ass.) Helping others is majorly high on my agenda. It kind of equals happiness to me.
Perhaps I will study a billion things- fuck why not?
If I do things seriously (like the dancing) it's generally because I want to be the best. I'm competitive and want to push the boundaries and create new ones.
Admittedly, I am such a dreamer, but what's the point if you cant make it a reality? Hence the move to Melbourne. I would rather have bruised knees and aching muscles than live with regret. When I was twelve I convinced myself I was too tired to do a race at Balmac athletics day so I pulled out. I regretted that for so long and that feeling, even at 12 years old, was enough to put me off for life. That sounds dramatic, and although the event now seems rather humorous, it taught me a pretty important lesson early on which I'm thankful for. It still crops up in my mind when I make decisions.
I was also recently told an excellent quote by an equally excellent person that sums up much of what I am saying:
"People said to me, eight years ago/ten years ago: Oh you're such an idealist, you're gonna go nowhere. Well my idealism has got me to live in this beautiful garden here ok, and I've got my own studio and I got the fucking motor car I wanna drive ok, so where's my idealism and where's yours? What do you do, huh? How can you go out and earn a hundred thousand pound for charity? 'Cause I can. Tomorrow. And they can't. So people will always criticise people that do something. It's only the people that do nothing that can never be criticised."
-Jay Kay, Jamiroquai
Fuck, we were talking about dream jobs- I'm Nicola and I love tangents.

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